Ok, I got this all working. It's a bit of an ugly hack but it works. Basically I'm storing each new instance of the class in an array, and I'm passing the array key (1, 2, etc) into the class, so it can refer to itself externally as needed in a few key places.
The places I need the class to refer to itself externally are the string I pass to addEventListener, and within a few setTimeout functions, where "this" apparently loses its context (as far as I can tell anyways, because the only way I could them working was changing "this" to use external references instead.
Here's the full code.
On the page that has Youtube videos, they are injected using swfobject. The _ytmeta object stores the titles for each video. It's optional, but it's the only way to log the title of a video, because Youtube's API does not give it to you. This means you have to know the title up front, but the point is simply that if you want the title to show up in our reports, you have to create this object:
<div id='yt1'></div>
<script src='youtube.js'></script>
<script src='swfobject.js'></script>
var _ytmeta = {}
_ytmeta.yt1 = { 'title': 'Moonwalking in Walmart' };
var params = { allowScriptAccess: "always" };
swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.youtube.com/v/gE1ZvCnwkYk?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=yt1", "yt1", "425", "356", "8", null, null, params );
So we're including the swfobject javascript code, as well as the youtube.js file, which will be hosted on our server and included on the pages you want to track videos.
Here are the contents of youtube.js:
// we're storing each youtube object (video) in an array, and passing the array key into the class, so the class instance can refer to itself externally
// this is necessary for two reasons
// first, the event listener function we pass to Youtube has to be globally accessible, so passing "this.blah" doesn't work
// it has to be passed as a string also, so putting "this" in quotes makes it lose its special meaning
// second, when we create timeout functions, the meaning of "this" inside that function loses its scope, so we have to refer to the class externally from there too.
// _yt is the global youtube array that stores each youtube object. yti is the array key, incremented automatically for each new object created
var _yt = [], _yti = 0;
// this is the function the youtube player calls once it's loaded.
// each time it's called, it creates a new object in the global array, and passes the array key into the class so the class can refer to itself externally
function onYouTubePlayerReady( id ) {
_yt[ _yti ] = new _yta( id, _yti );
function _yta( id, i ) {
if( !id || !i ) return;
this.id = id;
this.last = 'none';
this.scrubbing = false;
this.o = document.getElementById( this.id );
this.o.addEventListener("onStateChange", "_yt["+i+"].onPlayerStateChange" );
this.onPlayerStateChange = function( newState ) {
// some events rely on a timer to determine what action was performed, we clear it on every state change.
if( this.myTime != undefined ) clearTimeout( this.myTime );
// pause - happens when clicking pause, or seeking
// that's why a timeout is used, so if we're seeking, once it starts playing again, we log it as a seek and kill the timer that would have logged the pause
// we're only giving it 2 seconds to start playing again though. that should be enough for most users.
// if we happen to log a pause during the seek - so be it.
if( newState == '2' ) {
this.myTime = setTimeout( function() {
_yt[i].last = 'pause';
_yt[i].scrubbing = false;
}, 2000 );
if( this.scrubbing == false ){
this.last = 'pre-scrub';
this.scrubbing = true;
// play
else if( newState == '1' ) {
switch( this.last ) {
case 'none':
this.startTimer = setInterval( this.startRun, 200 );
case 'pause':
this.myTime = setTimeout( function() {
_yt[i].last = 'play';
}, 2000 );
case 'pre-scrub':
this.scrubTimer = setInterval( this.scrubRun, 200 );
// end
else if( newState == '0' ) {
this.last = 'none';
// have to use external calls here because these are set as timeouts, which makes "this" change context (apparently)
this.scrubRun = function() {
_yt[i].last = 'scrub';
_yt[i].scrubbing = false;
this.startRun = function() {
_yt[i].last = 'start';
this.killTimers = function() {
if( this.startTimer ) {
clearInterval( this.startTimer );
this.startTimer = null;
if( this.scrubTimer ){
clearInterval( this.scrubTimer );
this.scrubTimer = null;
this.videoLog = function( action ) {
clicky.video( action, this.videoTime(), this.videoURL(), this.videoTitle());
this.videoTime = function() {
return Math.round( this.o.getCurrentTime() );
this.videoURL = function() {
return this.o.getVideoUrl().split('&')[0]; // remove any extra parameters - we just want the first one, which is the video ID.
this.videoTitle = function() {
// titles have to be defined in an external object
if( window['_ytmeta'] ) return window['_ytmeta'][ this.id ].title || '';
Hopefully, someone in the future will find this helpful, because it was a serious pain in the ass to get it working!
Thank you everyone who posted their ideas here. :)