



I'm looking for some suggestion.

We have server setup as below for 3 applications interacting together. 1) Application A with Database A 2) Application B with Database B 3) Application C with Database C

Use Case: User's from application A submits some requests which is then sent to application B or C for approval. User's from application B or C can approve or reject such requests. Data is currently synchronized through xml, as we have some documents(.doc, .docx, etc) to be sent also. This is achieved through Biztalk and sftp.

We have around 1000 tables. Some of the table's schema is same and exists in all the 3 Databases. However, there are few tables which exists only in Database A or Database B or Database C.

So how can I go along and create a single project (single assembly) with all the entities mapping to all tables from different databases.

I know that we can map the entities if the database are in same server from here Multiple Databases mapping. However, due to some policy we cannot have DB link between Application A and Application B or C.
