Can't I just use normal unit testing tools?
BDD is a process and mentality and so, yes, you can do it with any tools (or not, you can write your own without a tool if you want). However, the TDD tools had certain assumptions which cause some friction when trying to do things in a BDD way. For instance, TDD assumes you are testing an architectural unit of the software; class, module, service. Whereas BDD assumes you are specifying some functional portion of the system.
Should I use SpecFlow/Cucumber to describe lower-level components?
First of all, I think the question is a bit misguided. You wouldn't tend to describe components unless those components directly represent behavior. I'll still answer what I believe the spirit of the question is.
Story oriented tools like Cucumber are great for talking about behavior from a customer/user perspective. It can allow you to make specifications that are easily approachable by laymen. However, it can be tedious to describe large amounts or complex state with those tools.
Unit testing, or more code oriented specification tools like rSpec and Machine.Specification, can be a lot more convenient when dealing with complex or large state setups. You can use the various tools available to the languages to manage the state. Things like inheritance and fakes/mocks. Machine.Specification has some good approaches to this for the .NET minded.
So, should you use Cucumber to specify lower-level behavior? I'd say only if its important to have high levels of visibility for that particular behavior. On my current project, we've developed an architectural component to represent certain business-rule intensive portions of the system. Those components are specified with Cucumber, but the majority of system is covered with NUnit.
Btw, SpecFlow is really nice and approachable for .NET folks just getting into BDD, but eventually you'll want to graduate to full-blown Cucumber+nStep. The Cucumber ecosystem is HUGE and helpful. SpecFlow's is much smaller.
Also, the lambda syntax offered by nStep is quite a bit nicer than having to decorate methods a la SpecFlow or Cuke4Nuke.
I did some of the original development on nStep but I'm using SpecFlow on my current project. I'm working to introduce BDD here and needed something simple and approachable.