



I'm developing add-on based application. Every add-on use scheduler. Loaded add-on schedule task. My application run only one instance. Sometimes application closed, sometimes running. Therefore i need to use Windows 7 Task scheduler

How to use task scheduler on own application?

I need create new task from application
I need that when task finish, Send message to my application or invoke any function of my application
Is it possible?
How to do it?

+2  A: 

Check out this project at CodeProject.

A New Task Scheduler Class Library for .NET

Randolph Potter
This library really work on windows 7?
Yes. It works on Vista, so it'll work on Windows 7. It does something along the lines of what Kate Gregory describes.
Randolph Potter
+1  A: 

If you want to interact with the Windows 7 Scheduled Tasks system from your code to create, manage, or delete a task that is no problem. (I cover this in the Windows 7 course I wrote for Pluralsight.) Add a COM reference to TaskScheduler and you then do this sort of thing:

        ITaskService scheduler = new TaskSchedulerClass();
        scheduler.Connect(null, null, null, null);

        ITaskFolder rootFolder = scheduler.GetFolder("\\");
        ITaskFolder folder = rootFolder.GetFolders(0).Cast<ITaskFolder>().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Windows7Course");
        if (folder == null)
            folder = rootFolder.CreateFolder("Windows7Course", null);

        ITaskDefinition task = scheduler.NewTask(0);
        IExecAction action = (IExecAction)task.Actions.Create(_TASK_ACTION_TYPE.TASK_ACTION_EXEC);

        action.Path = typeof(SayHello.Form1).Assembly.Location;
        action.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(SayHello.Form1).Assembly.Location);

        ISessionStateChangeTrigger trigger = (ISessionStateChangeTrigger)task.Triggers.Create(_TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2.TASK_TRIGGER_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE);

        task.Settings.DisallowStartIfOnBatteries = true;

        task.RegistrationInfo.Author = "Kate Gregory";
        task.RegistrationInfo.Description = "Launches a greeting.";

        IRegisteredTask ticket = folder.RegisterTaskDefinition("GreetReturningUser", task, (int)_TASK_CREATION.TASK_CREATE_OR_UPDATE, null, null, _TASK_LOGON_TYPE.TASK_LOGON_INTERACTIVE_TOKEN, null);

This particular sample runs an exe that is in the same solution (another project). You would have to adjust the Action.Path, Action.WorkingDirectory etc to meet your needs.

Kate Gregory