



This is my code.

I got Http 400 error, can someone help me?

HttpClient   httpClient;
HttpPost     httpPost;
HttpResponse response;
HttpContext  localContext;
FileEntity   tmp = null;   
String       ret = null;

httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient( );
httpClient.getParams().setParameter( ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY, CookiePolicy.RFC_2109) ;

httpPost = new HttpPost(url);
tmp      = new FileEntity( data,"UTF-8" );

httpPost.setEntity( tmp );
httpPost.setHeader( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data" );
httpPost.setHeader( "access_token", facebook.getAccessToken( ) );
httpPost.setHeader( "source",       data.getAbsolutePath( ) );
httpPost.setHeader( "message",      "Caption for the photo" );

localContext = new BasicHttpContext( );
response     = httpClient.execute( httpPost,localContext );

setEntity sets the source of the whole request body, so this would only work if the data file was an already-encoded multipart/form-data block.

To create a multipart/form-data-encoded form submission for use as a POST request body, you'll need a MIME multipart encoder, typically org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity. Unfortunately, this is not bundled by Android so if you want it you'll have to pull in a newer HttpClient from Apache.

See this question for example code and this thread for background.

Thanks a lot bobince, I am try now. ^___^
Cool!! but now I got error by this... >> {"error":{"type":"OAuthException","message":"Invalid OAuth access token."}}
OAuth is an application-level problem, not anything to do with file upload or form creation. Sounds like you need to pass [`oauth_` headers]( with the request to authorise access to user data.
I fined the OAuth on the facebook application info page. thanks a lot.

bobince, thanks this is my new id, I will try put OAuth to my connection header.

And this is my old code, I will update it soon.

private void uploadPicture( ) throws ParseException, IOException {
    HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    httpclient.getParams( ).setParameter( CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 );

    HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost( "" );
    File file = new File( sdpicturePath );

    // DEBUG
    Log.d( "TSET", "FILE::" + file.exists( ) ); // IT IS NOT NULL
    Log.d( "TEST", "AT:" + fbAccessToken ); // I GOT SOME ACCESS TOKEN

    MultipartEntity mpEntity  = new MultipartEntity( );
    ContentBody cbFile        = new FileBody( file, "image/png" );
    ContentBody cbMessage     = new StringBody( "TEST TSET" );
    ContentBody cbAccessToken = new StringBody( fbAccessToken );

    mpEntity.addPart( "access_token", cbAccessToken );
    mpEntity.addPart( "source",       cbFile        );
    mpEntity.addPart( "message",      cbMessage     );        

    httppost.setEntity( mpEntity );

    // DEBUG
    System.out.println( "executing request " + httppost.getRequestLine( ) );
    HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute( httppost );
    HttpEntity resEntity = response.getEntity( );

    // DEBUG
    System.out.println( response.getStatusLine( ) );
    if (resEntity != null) {
      System.out.println( EntityUtils.toString( resEntity ) );
    } // end if

    if (resEntity != null) {
      resEntity.consumeContent( );
    } // end if

    httpclient.getConnectionManager( ).shutdown( );
} // end of uploadPicture( )