What's the best storage mechanism (from the view of the database to be used and system for storing all the records) for a system built to track whois record changes? The program will be run once a day and a track should be kept of what the previous value was and what the new value is.
Suggestions on database and thoughts on how to store the different records/fields so that data is not redundant/duplicated
(Added) My thoughts on one mechanism to store data
Example case showing sale of one domain "sample.com" from personA to personB on 1/1/2010
DomainId | DomainName
1 example.com
2 sample.com
DomainId | DateTime | RegistrarId | RegistrantId | (others)
2 1/1/2009 1 1
2 1/1/2010 2 2
RegistrarId | RegistrarName
1 GoDaddy
2 1&1
RegistrantId | RegistrantName
1 PersonA
2 PersonB
All tables are "append-only". Does this model make sense? Table_ChangeTrack should be "added to" only when there is any change in ANY of the monitored fields.
Is there any way of making this more efficient / tighter from the size point-of-view??