I need to update my table (dependency) and set a new column (vid) to the nextval of a sequence. I can't change the way data is in the table so please don't mention removing redundant data.
However, the where condition is the issue as 2 conditions need to be met (the cols provid and origid). There is a separate primary key (prikey). The table looks like this:-
Table dependency (
varchar prikey(46),
varchar provid(46),
varchar origid(46)
varchar otherdata(16)
vid integer
Sample Data would look like this:-
('AA1', 'C3C87F000001', '23', 1),
('AA2', 'C3C87F000001', '23', 1),
('AA3', 'C3C87F000001', '26', 2),
('AA4', 'C3C87F000001', '53', 3)
('AA5', 'A3C87F000009', '26', 4),
('AA6', 'A3C87F000009', '23', 5)
As can be seen from the data, the prikey is unique, the origid and provid (which are actually Foreign Keys) may repeat. For the sake of this example, I have added in the vid values as they should be. A vid basically identifies a row which has the same origid and provid.
My Question:- what is the sql like for updating this table setting vid = sequence.nextval where origid and distinct(provid)?