



I'm trying to work out how Google adds images and styling to their tooltips that appear over markers in google maps.

An example of the desired behaviour can be seen here:

If you mouseover one of the hotel markers, you will see different styles (bold text, normal text), paragraphs or line breaks, and images for the star-rating of the hotel. As far as I can see from the docs, these tooltips are created by giving each marker a 'title' attribute... however, any HTML in this attribute is escaped; you might end up with a tooltip that looks like:

<p class="tooltip-text">This doesn't work!</p> <image src="/images/myimage.png" />

... which is not the desired outcome.

Anyone have any ideas?


Look at this example. It shows tooltips in custom design. But i'm not sure if it works with v3 API. However i think method used in that example will be work with v3 too.

Well... thats kinda what I was trying to avoid doing... creating a custom overlay and binding to the mouseover / mouseout events to show / hide it. The API already provides a way of doing tooltips, why do I have to reinvent it? It appears to me that google is using the 'normal', title-based tooltips in the example above.However, if there is no other alternative, thanks for the example page =).

Check out these tools. There's and infobox customization which pretty much replaces the default one but retains all it's properties. Hope it helps!

I guess you both answered my question... ie. you DO need to create your own overlay. But those libraries are pretty nice!