As I asked and answered here, I found that running 'sudo lein deps causes some problem that forces me to run 'sudo lein swank', which is annoying. And I was told not to use sudo. I use Mac OS X 10.6.4.
So, I'll try to uninstall and reinstall leiningen.
Uninstalling leiningen
- Removing ~/.m2 directory is just uninstall, is this correct?
(Re)installing leiningen
I followed the steps explained here.
- copy the 'lein' to ~/bin/lein and make it runnable.
- Run 'lein self-install', and I see ~/.m2/repository is installed.
download leiningen using '' to ~/bin/leinigen
- At this stage, I can't run 'lein help', but 'sudo lein help'. What's wrong with this?
- As a result, I can't run 'lein deps', but 'sudo lein deps, and the problem becomes recursive one.
- Q : How to uninstall perfectly with leiningen?
- Q : Why using 'sudo' makes lein correctly?