



What add-ins do you wish were available for Visual Studio 2008? Describe it here, and maybe it already exists. Or perhaps, it will soon!

+4  A: 

I want an add-in that allows me to paste a table with headers from Excel as object initialization code.


Copy this:

CustomerId  Name  Phone
1           John  406-345-6789
2           Bob   406-234-5678
3           Jill  406-123-4567

Get this:

new List<Customer>() {
  new Customer() { CustomerId = "1", Name = "John", Phone = "406-345-6789" },
  new Customer() { CustomerId = "2", Name = "Bob", Phone = "406-234-5678" },
  new Customer() { CustomerId = "3", Name = "Jill", Phone = "406-123-4567" },

It would prompt you for the type of the object.

This would be awesome for writing tests. What's your most-wanted add-in?

Lance Fisher
You could pretty easily do this in excel using concatenate and other functions... That's what I always tend to do.
Stefan Mai
I'd use row testing for this purpose, and bind directly to Excel as data source.
Ilya Ryzhenkov
I used Excel and made an extra column to concat the cell values with the code syntax, but even that's a pain.I like the Excel data source for tests idea.
Lance Fisher
+1  A: 

Personally, I want many of the old VC6 productivity tools, such as ClassWizard with custom DDX/DDV back in Visual C++. Having requested this for some time on various MS blogs, it appears that it may come true in VS2010.

(Apologies for hijacking a VS2008 entry with VS2010 stuff, but realistically, this is where you should be pitching your wish list for MS)

Shane MacLaughlin
I'm pretty much sure VS10 is already closed in terms of feature set. Aim Vs11 :)
Ilya Ryzhenkov
@Ilya but anyone can make add-ins for VS 2010 after it is shipped.@smacl Good point about targeting VS 2010.
Lance Fisher
+1  A: 

Mouse support for shortcuts.

Much like any mouse gesture extension for firefox.

+2  A: 

Not a wish, but go to, there's plenty of addins available.

Lasse V. Karlsen
+1  A: 

Id like a plugin that adds support for multiple monitors. Id love to have just the code window on 1 screen and all the debugging, stuff on another. Or the designer on 1 screen code on another.

VS10 has it already, try CTP.
Ilya Ryzhenkov