



Hi There,

I've been searching the web for a while now and still can't seem to find anything useful on this topic.

What I am trying to create is a button in my Infopath form that will create a user account in Active Directory. The code will need to pull through information stored in the fields of the Infopath form.

I have chosen to use Visual Basic, as I believe that is a good language scripting with AD.

I have successfully run this code:

Sub CTRL1_12_OnClick(eventObj)

MsgBox "Output: "

End Sub

which returns: 'Output: ' in a VB dialogue box when I click on my infopath button. However, when I try:

Set objOU=GetObject("LDAP://OU=People,OU=contoso,DC=contoso,DC=com")

Set objUser=objOU.Create("user","CN=Linda Mitchell")

objUser.Put "sAMAccountName","linda.mitchell"


All I get is an error message in Infopath:

The following error occurred:

ActiveX component can't create object: 'GetObject' File:script.vbs Line:14

When I put the same code in to notepad, save as a vbs file and then execute is runs fine and create a user in active directory, what I don't understand is why when I run the same code it doesn't work.

Any ideas?

Thanks Peter


I would recommend you check out Richard Mueller's web site - he has tons of VBScript code to do all sorts of AD stuff.

Here's a link to a page showing how to create users - is that of help?? I'm not much of a VBScript programmer, but I know Richard's stuff is usually very good and useful.

Here's his entire list of free VBScript code for you to go rummage about!

Thanks for that, his website looks pretty good and I may be able to use his code once I find out why this code doesn't work in Infopath but runs fine in a standalone vbs script on my desktop.Peter

I have now found out what the problem was. I needed to set the form to 'full trust' Tools>form options> Security and Trust. I also had to sign the form with my certificate.

Now I am able to run the code from that button.


same problem. Did you get an aswer? Did you solve this issue? Richard

Richard GOTWE
Yes, I found the problem myself and posted the answer.