



I've build a site that has accordion sections that expand whenever someone clicks on the header section for that page, the click handler is placed on

$('.section h2').click

However, when a user is logged in as admin, there are 'EDIT' links applied to the header, so I only want the section to expand if the area clicked is not "a.edit-link".

I've tried things like $('.section h2:not(a.edit-link)').click... or $('.section h2').not('a.edit-link').click, but niether of these options are working for me..

Am I missing out on something obvious?


You can do it using event.stopPropagation(), like this:

$('.section h2').click(function() {
  //do stuff
$('.section h2 a.edit-link').click(function(e) { 

When a click on an a.edit-link happens, that click just won't bubble up to the <h2> parent, and its click handler won't fire.

Alternatively you could check the event target inside your handler, like this:

$('.section h2').click(function(e) {
  if($('edit-link')) return; //bomb out
  //do stuff
Nick Craver
Perfect! This worked like a dream! Thanks!
@Conor - Welcome :) Be sure to accept answers on this and future questions via the check-mark beside the one that resolve your issue :)
Nick Craver

I haven't tried this personally, but here is a thought:

  • give the admin links their own css class

  • after adding the click handler for the header add a more specific click handler for the edit links that does not expand the the section

  • make sure event bubbling is suppressed on the link handlers
