




I have a template A which has several sublayouts and web controls assigned to the StandardValues for the Layout Details. If I inherit from this template and create a new template B it inherits all the layout details from A and displays fine.

Now I had to change the Datasource for one of the web controls on template A. I selected the StandardValues went to Presentation>Details and changed the DataSource to point to the Item I want the control to use. The problem is even though I have done it on the StandardValues the change does not propagate to B. The value of DataSource on template A initially was empty and I changed it to /sitecore/content/Global/Item but the DataSource on the webcontrol in template B is still empty (shouldn't it display the inherited value?).

What are my options to have changes on base templates propagate to templates that are based on them?

Thanks, Ben


Hi talked to Sitecore support the other day and apparently what I experience is expected behaviour. Here is a link on how to implement inheritance for Layout Details: Layout Detail Inheritance .

It seemed like a bit of an overkill to me as I just needed it for a handful of templates so I just manually edited them.

