The hibernate manual says this:
String sql = "SELECT ID as {}, NAME as {}, " +
"BIRTHDATE as {c.birthDate}, MOTHER_ID as {c.mother}, {mother.*} " + "FROM CAT_LOG c, CAT_LOG m WHERE {c.mother} = c.ID";
List loggedCats = sess.createSQLQuery(sql)
.addEntity("cat", Cat.class) .addEntity("mother", Cat.class).list()
Now, what I have is basically the same. I am return two of the same type per row. I am doing a select something like this:
SELECT {ctrl1.*}, {ctrl2.*} FROM tableA AS A
LEFT JOIN tableB AS ctrl1 ON (A.controlID = ctrl1.controlID AND ctrl1.controlOptionType = ? AND ctrl1.controlOptionValue = ?)
LEFT JOIN tableB AS ctrl2 ON (A.controlID = ctrl2.controlID AND ctrl2.controlOptionType = ? AND ctrl2.controlOptionValue = ?)
And then I addEntity("ctrl1", typeof(mycontrolclass)
addEntity("ctrl1", typeof(mycontrolclass)
Which seems exactly the same to me as their example. But I get this exception: "Could not execute query" and the inner exception is "Could not find specified column in results". If I copy the sql in the exception(to which it has added "AS ctrl1_1_3_3_" etc) it works fine.