



Specifically, once I get the WCAG Anaylsis warnings for a website into my warnings window I can't get rid of them, until I close down studio. When building another project in the same solution they stay there.

Anyone got any ideas?

+1  A: 

Just click on the "Warnings" button at the top of the window to hide them.

Jon Grant
If I hide them, they're still there. For example if I run stylecop on a code library, the WCAG warnings are still there but entwined with the stylecop ones I actually care about.
+3  A: 

Close all open documents and rebuild the solution to get rid of those warnings. I have also that problem on webprojects and WCAG-varnings, but they disapear when Im doing a rebuild.

I'll try a rebuild.. thanks!
Tried it didn't work. Rebuilt on a library and the unrelated warnings stayed there.
Ok, And you closed all open documents in the editor before?
I believe so, I'll double check in a moment but I'm pretty sure I did it:- Open solution in studio- Build Website- Build LibraryWhen I'm at a suitable juncture again I'll give it another go to be 100%
Usually I check for accessibility on one page at a time to avoid this. It may be tedious, but it works for me.
Nope still there
+1  A: 

If its a warning your not arsed about you could disable them.

website -> property pages -> accessibility->uncheck show warnings

other wise just close all files

window -> close all documents


How to do the same.. i.e remove warnings when I am compiling a VC++ program?

what does this mean???
You can remove the warning when you compile by reading the warning text, looking up the help for the warning code and changing the code according to the advice given! ;-)
Ray Hayes
What if our code is legacy and can't keep up with the compiler updates. And when I am compiling I don't at all want to see warnings but only the errors?

I know this is an old thread but was having the same problem. I found that the warnings would dissapear by doing the following:

  1. Closing the documents in question
  2. Clicking on the Output tab
  3. Rebuild the application

Now when you click back on the Error List tab and look at warnings, they should be reset.

Mike Thien
+1  A: 

I came across this question yesterday looking for an easy answer. While closing the solution works for me, and then rebuilding only the solution I want to see warnings on, I found that doing a "Clean Solution" (right-click solution, select "Clean Solution") will clear the Error List pane (including warnings).

Jerad Rose
Didn't work for me in VS2010.
Patrick Szalapski