Hi all, I'm wondering if its possible to make the following code more concise:
function () {
function () {
function () {
//More etc
The country name stays the same for each, with 'Trigger' or 'Img' added to the end. There alot of repetition here which indicates to me im not going about the this best way.
I had thoughts around:
- Crearting a case scenario, or
- Somehow getting the selector being used for a selection, making it a string, splitting it's name to capture the country in use and applying that to the nested fadeIn/Out function with 'Img' on the end.
Is this possible or am I being to fancy?
Edit 1: Thanks verymuch for all the responses, apologies for not posting the html, i've put this bellow. In short I'm using image maps over a bg image (of earth) as the hover triggers for fading in/out my absolutely positioned on-hover images.
<div class="mapTub">
<img src="images/transparentPixel.png" class="mapCover" usemap="#worldMap" width="524px" height="273px"/>
<map name="worldMap" id="worldMap">
<area id="americasTrigger" shape="poly" coords="1,2,3" href="#americas" />
<area id="europeTrigger" shape="poly" coords="4,5,6" href="#europe" />
<area id="middleEastTrigger" shape="poly" coords="7,8,9" href="#middleEast" />
<img src="images/International_americas_dark.png" class="americas" id="americasImg" />
<img src="images/International_europe_dark.png" class="europe" id="europeImg" />
<img src="images/International_middleEast_dark.png" class="middleEast" id="middleEastImg" />
Reigel's answer seems like the way to go here, ill try it out report back, further comments welcome! :)