




I got the impression from other programmers that GEO (wgs84) coordinates are not efficient for calculating distance at meters resulotion. My Goal is to calculate accuratly (meters) distance between 2 points (at the same country) by using global coordinates (UTM Or Geodetic(wgs84)) ,in which set of global coordinates you recomand to use ??

thanks, Liran.

+1  A: 

To achieve high precision in your calculations you should convert coordinates from WGS84 to country's local coordinate system. If you tell what country it is I could probably give a hint on what coordinate system is appropriate.

UPDATE: This coordinate system should work well for Israel. If you are using .NET you can use Proj.NET to convert coordinates. You will need a projection string for this coordinate system and it can be found here - look for OGC WKT. This long string should be sent as the parameter in one of Proj.NET's methods.

The focused country is israel (but not always) , do you think converting wgs84 to utm will give high precision ? this is the impression i got..
If course - the earth has very different shapes in different parts, that's why each country has one ore sometimes even several(if country is big) coordinate systems.