



I have a table (called 'entry') which has a datetime column (called 'access_date'), and I want to do an SQLAlchemy query that only produces results where entry.access_date is a Monday (or any other day of the week specified by a number [0..6]).

Is this possible? I am using sqlite & SQLalchemy 0.5.8 if that makes any difference.


I'm not an expert on SQLAlchemy, so await others' views. I've adapted an example from This may be worth testing & experimenting with while you wait for others' answers.:

Tim McNamara
As I understand, his access_date column has DateTime type, so this will not work.
Daniel Kluev
Yes, I tried query.filter(entry.access_date.weekday().in_([0,1,2,3,4,5,6]))but as expected got an error: AttributeError: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor 'Comparator' object has an attribute 'weekday'
+1  A: 

There is no generic DAYOFWEEK() function supported by SQLAlchemy, so you will have to use dialect-specific sql in the where clause.

For MySQL, you would go with custom func 'weekday' or 'dayofweek', but since sqlite has neither datetime type nor weekday()/dayofweek(), you need some raw sql there.[email protected]/msg51116.html here are examples for this query.

In SQLA, this will look like

query.filter("strftime('%w', access_date) = :dow").params(dow=0).all()
Daniel Kluev
If I do:for weekday in range(0,7): q = session.query(Entry).filter("strftime('%w',':date') = :dow").params(date=Entry.access_date, dow=weekday).all()I get the error:ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) Incorrect number of bindings supplied. The current statement uses 1, and there are 2 supplied
Oh, sorry, obviously we don't substitute it with actual date here, so it should be just `filter("strftime('%w', access_date) = :dow").params(dow=1)`
Daniel Kluev
Awesome, works wonderfully

Further from Daniel Kluev's answer, I found another way of saying the same thing (possibly nicer looking?)

query.filter(func.strftime('%w', Entry.access_date) == str(weekday)).all()

Where weekday is a number [0..6]
