I needed to parse placeholders out of text like abc $$FOO$$ cba
. I hacked to together something with Scala's parser combinators, but I'm not really happy with the solution.
In particular, I resorted to a zero-width matcher in the regular expression (?=(\$\$|\z))
to stop parsing the text and start parsing the placeholders. This sounds perilously close to the shenanigans discussed and colorfully dismissed on the scala mailing list (which inspired the title of this question.)
So, the challenge: fix my parser to work without this hack. I'd like to see a clear progression from the problem to your solution, so I can replace my strategy of randomly assembling combinators until tests pass.
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
object PlaceholderParser extends RegexParsers {
sealed abstract class Element
case class Text(text: String) extends Element
case class Placeholder(key: String) extends Element
override def skipWhitespace = false
def parseElements(text: String): List[Element] = parseAll(elements, text) match {
case Success(es, _) => es
case NoSuccess(msg, _) => error("Could not parse: [%s]. Error: %s".format(text, msg))
def parseElementsOpt(text: String): ParseResult[List[Element]] = parseAll(elements, text)
lazy val elements: Parser[List[Element]] = rep(element)
lazy val element: Parser[Element] = placeholder ||| text
lazy val text: Parser[Text] = """(?ims).+?(?=(\$\$|\z))""".r ^^ Text.apply
lazy val placeholder: Parser[Placeholder] = delimiter ~> """[\w. ]+""".r <~ delimiter ^^ Placeholder.apply
lazy val delimiter: Parser[String] = literal("$$")
import org.junit.{Assert, Test}
class PlaceholderParserTest {
def parse1 = check("a quick brown $$FOX$$ jumped over the lazy $$DOG$$")(Text("a quick brown "), Placeholder("FOX"), Text(" jumped over the lazy "), Placeholder("DOG"))
def parse2 = check("a quick brown $$FOX$$!")(Text("a quick brown "), Placeholder("FOX"), Text("!"))
def parse3 = check("a quick brown $$FOX$$!\n!")(Text("a quick brown "), Placeholder("FOX"), Text("!\n!"))
def parse4 = check("a quick brown $$F.O X$$")(Text("a quick brown "), Placeholder("F.O X"))
def check(text: String)(expected: Element*) = Assert.assertEquals(expected.toList, parseElements(text))