i am developing application which send and receive data between two computers but there is problem which i am facing when i send data the file size would be 4.56 kb but when i receive data on other side the file size reduce to 1.42 kb and data write in file also in complete my receiving byte size is 1024 * 5000.i am using c#.i am using TCP
here is my code
i am first sending data to tell other computer what file i want to receive
private void GetLoginFile()
Socket clientSock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
char[] delimiter = splitter.ToCharArray();
byte[] fileName = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(myIP + "_GetLoginFile"); //file name
byte[] fileData;
fileData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("null");
//byte[] fileData = reads.ReadToEnd().to; //file
byte[] fileNameLen = BitConverter.GetBytes(fileName.Length); //lenght of file name
clientData = new byte[4 + fileName.Length + fileData.Length];
fileNameLen.CopyTo(clientData, 0);
fileName.CopyTo(clientData, 4);
fileData.CopyTo(clientData, 4 + fileName.Length);
System.Net.IPAddress ipAdd = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(serverIP);
IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(ipAdd, 9050);
clientSock.Connect(ipEnd); //target machine's ip address and the port number
byte[] clientData1 = new byte[1024 * 5000];
string receivedPath = mypath + "XML\\";
int receivedBytesLen = clientSock.Receive(clientData1);
int fileNameLen1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(clientData1, 0);
string fileName1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(clientData1, 4, fileNameLen1);
//string file = Encoding.UTF8.GetString();
BinaryWriter bWrite = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(receivedPath + fileName1, FileMode.Append));
bWrite.Write(clientData1, 4 + fileNameLen1, receivedBytesLen - 4 - fileNameLen1);
catch (Exception ex)
can anyone help me out to solve this problem.