+1  A: 

You may have issues with ID's clashing and event binding. Try using live();

Your events are getting unbound when you clone and move DOM elements around.

Try this:

$("#add").live("click", function() {
$("#selection").live("change", function() {

Also it looks like you may be duplicating ID's. Check and make sure that #selection, #selectionresult, etc are not being cloned.

Thank you so much for the response man! I'm still a little confused (I'm pretty useless when it comes to jQuery and JS in general). How can I change the ids for the different elements? :)
Use classes instead of id's so .selection etc. When you do your selection and insertion use jquery selector attrs such as :after, :before, :hidden etc to clone the exact tr you need and insert it to the right spot.
Cool, thanks Nicholas!