



Can .NET or one of it's many languages enforce the cleaning of untrusted data... or prevent accidental variable use in the wrong locations?

One example of this is when a user POST's data and the "raw" response is used within a SQL transaction. This could cause anything from a client-side scripting vulnerability to the entire server being compromised.

Another example is where I have to pass the data to a COM object for further processing.

What are my options as a C#,, and SQL developer to make sure that my user's dirty bits don't touch anything internal before it's cleaned? Is there a feature of the runtime (or compiler) I could leverage?

Short of having the language actually enforce it, perhaps I could just add a suffix of _dirty to my incoming variables. Is this something you would recommend as a best practice?

How do the pro's approach this problem?

+1  A: 

Can .NET or one of it's many languages enforce the cleaning of untrusted data

Yes it can, but not in the way you're asking about. Instead, you ensure clean sql by correctly parameterizing it. For example:

string sql = "SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] = @value";
using (var cn = new SqlConnection("connection string here"))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn)
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@value").Value = "'';DROP Table Users;--";
    SomeControl.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader();

That code is perfectly safe to run, even though there's an obvious injection attempt. The reason is that the SqlCommand object's parameters collection is never substituted directly in the query. The data is sent to the server and handled completely separate from the code, and so everything is safe, no matter what the user enters.

Anything else you do that attempts to "sanitize" a request will always be an arms race with the crackers. This way, the right way, keeps data and code separate.

Joel Coehoorn
Thanks for the tip to use Stored Procs. That would address the SQL issue to some extend, but wouldn't prevent or tell my team-mates that I'm sending them clean or dirty data. I'm thinking more along the lines of an [Attribute] of a Type. This metadata would be used to enforce type consistency at a whole new level.
@Maker - this has nothing to do with stored procedures. Note that the sql string there in my post is ad hoc sql. It's not a stored procedure. Parameterized queries are different animals.
Joel Coehoorn
+1  A: 

You seem to be assuming that there can only be one way to sanitize() data. Then problem is that a vulnerability is highly dependant on how the data is used and there for in practice this approach is very difficult. For instance sql injection and xss have very little in common and they should never use the same function. In fact there are very few similarities between any of the injection flaws.

That being said, the best implamentaiton of Taint checking is ruby's safe mode. IronRuby lets you can use ruby on .net. This works by having a list of sanitation functions that will mark the variable as clean. But even this isn't going to stop everything, if you look at the owasp top 10, only A1-Injection and A2-XSS vulnerabilities are caused by tainted input, the rest do not, most notably CSRF.

That is exactly the direction I was heading although I'm not focused on a single method of cleaning my data. In a sample implementation of my desired solution I'd have a base class of Object with a Flags-based Enum indicating if the variable was cleaned and with what type of cleaning. Of course this method is a runtime-only approach. I'll take some time and study the links you mention .