



What I am trying to accomplish is a navigation bar that is center-aligned, padded on both sides with a left and right padding div.

The actual navigation bar is currently an inline-block div containing my tags for links and a left and right transition image, which will lead into the background of the navigation bar to take up the remaining space.

Normally, I would center the navigation bar in a 100% width div and use that wide div as the background, but since I am using semi-transparent .png files, I can't overlap like that.

The layout I would like:

Image of layout showing the three DIVs (Click image to view full size.)

I updated this question to include an actual image of what I am working with. Currently I set the three <div>s (Technically, the center is a <UL>) to fixed widths, but I would like to add the flexibility of adding/removing links, and it will expand and shrink the <div>s accordingly. As I said earlier, I cannot center-align the center links and overlap them on the background because I am using semitransparent .png files for the images.

+1  A: 

Fact is, you do not need the padding <div>. All you need to do is specify an auto horizontal margin, which will automatically expand to grab all the space available (thus centering your content as a side-effect).

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <style type="text/css">
      #header-nav {
        width: 100%;

      #header-nav-items {
        margin: 0 auto; /* auto centers */

      #header-nav-items a {
        display: block;
        width: 200px;
        text-align: center;
        background: #f00;
    <div id="header-nav">
      <div id="header-nav-items">
        <a href="#">We are centered!</a>
Andrew Moore
great (short and sweet) explanation of what "auto" margin actually does. +1
@Andrew Moore - This does not center the text since the inner div is a block filling the entire width of the parent block.
Gert G
@Gert G: true, forgot to give a width to `#header-nav-items` corrected.
Andrew Moore
A fair enough answer, and I've known about the margin: 0 auto; technique, I use it quite frequently. But I _DO_ want two divs or spans to fill the left and right space so I can add the background of the menu. Think a horizontal white bar, in which I want to cut into the middle to add the links. As I mentioned before, I can not have any overlap, or this would be a simple operation.
Billy Eisert
@Billy... check out my answer. I think it does what you want.


Here's what I have for 6 list items in your menu:

I think the following would work nicely:

What I've done is float the left <div> to the left, float the right <div> to the right, and then the center <div> is centered by "margin: auto". The key thing here is the order of the <div>s...

left <div>
right <div>
center <div>

I've also made the left and right <div>s a percentage width so that they scale with the size of the screen but in order to avoid the possibility of overlapping the center div, I gave the wrapper a min-width so that after a certain point, it can't get smaller.

Let me know if you have questions. I hope this helps.

Almost, though that requires that I have exactly 2 links both 50px wide. Is there a way to get it to adjust to the width of however many links I put in there?
Billy Eisert
@Billy... I was under the impression that you were looking for 2 links. I'll take a look at it again and report back.
@Billy... check out my update.
This is turning out to be rather chore-like. I might just convert to a tabular layout and make the links left-aligned with a set indentation in. What my website does is generate the navigation bar depending on where you are or if you're logged in or not, etc. Therefore, I can't really have it set to a fixed width. I could have the link generation also construct the width by multiplying number of links * width, but the buttons vary in width (Eg: Play and Alpha Keygen links obviously won't both agree on a width.)
Billy Eisert
@Billy... sorry, I tried my best :/
That's fine. It took forever to find the solution... Part of it was my overly-difficult design structure I planned to use.
Billy Eisert

Ok, I completed the layout using a 3-column table instead. I did not specify a width for the left and right cells and I specified the center cell's width as 0. The center cell stretches to fill the content, and pushes the right two cells away.

Anybody know of any problems with this?

Billy Eisert