



On this page:

Halfway down the page I find this code under the heading of Usage:

$(".slidetabs").tabs(".images > div", {

 // enable "cross-fading" effect
 effect: 'fade',
 fadeOutSpeed: "slow",

 // start from the beginning after the last tab
 rotate: true

// use the slideshow plugin. It accepts its own configuration

How can I modify (or rather, what is the proper syntax) the last line, where it says


and change the interval to 6000 instead of the default interval:3000?


In most jquery plugins, you provide configuration options like this.

.slideshow({interval: 6000});
Nikita Rybak
It works. That's so simple it hurts. Thank you for your help!!!
Marshall Thompson


Here two params are being passed. the first is the your element ".images > div" and the second one is a hash that represents configuration options. If you check the link you have provided, all configuration options are listed there along with their respsctive default value ie if you dont specify a custom value for an option, default value will be used. So to set a custom value to interval, add interval : 6000 below the line rotate: true . I think that should do what you want.

I tried that, but couldn't get it to work. Thanks for your help.
Marshall Thompson