Hi Guys and Gals,
I'm new to BDD, and using SpecFlow I'm trying to work out an efficient, organised, and maintainable methodology(for use within ASP.NET MVC). The main areas I need to improve on are:
Grouping of steps (into step files)
Reusing test objects (like it is so easy to in unit tests by inheriting test base classes etc)
Folder structure
when it comes to grouping, let's take a typical CRUD scenario. For example:
a folder for each "area" in my project eg public, site management
a feature folder and step folder inside each of those
And then, inside those folders I've got one Feature file covering the whole CRUD experience for a certain entity e.g NewsItem. I've gone this way so that I can reuse objects and the NewsController in my steps.
But this means the step files get pretty huge covering all types of valid, invalid input possibilites and it is very hard to follow one scenario through all the way through. But if I don't, I can't reuse the steps that may be applicable to multiple scenario in the whole CRUD process.
I understand this is very subjective, and I'm not afraid to be overwhelmed by a number of different ideas and perspectives - that's what I want :P
As well as your own opinions & preferences, links to blogs and books would be good.