



Hello all,

I am using Windows XP and installed Zend Server Community Edition 5.0.2.

Please refer to ///////////// Create a new project in phpDesigner 7 from the menu Project > Project Manager. Under 'Libraries', add the path to Zend Framework. Now load the new project from either the 'Project Manager' > 'Load Project' or the menu Project. You can now work with all the classes, functions and variables listed in Zend Framework inside phpDesigner 7. /////////////

Q1> which library folder I should provide for phpDesigner? I found the following two folders under my machine C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\GUI\library C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\share\ZendFramework\library

Q2> It seems that the home directory is C:\Program Files\Zend\Apache2\htdocs Then, how can my PHP script on above folder to access these Zend Libraries?

Q3> The structure of my local machine is different from my deployment environment (i.e. hosting company).

Is there a easy way that I can avoid some deployment problems caused by this inconsistent path collisions?

Thank you