Hi can somebody help me with the matlab command here. I've got to determine the highest point in a filled contour i've plotted using matrix data in a file. And then i have to mark the highest point with a red 'x'.
load('0101862_mod.dtm') % loading the dtm file
X = X0101862_mod(1:81,:) % we name X0101862, it is the location where the data X, Y and Z is stored
Y = X0101862_mod(82:162,:)
Z = X0101862_mod (163:243,:)
figure (1)
[C,h] = contourf(X,Y,Z,10);
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z'); title('X0101862_mod');
view(-73,34); axis equal; colormap summer; colorbar;
i know it involves 'max' command. Kept getting error when i use max.