I would like to "extend" my domain classes without having to add data to the domain classes themselves. Concider I have the following class:
public class Person
public virtual int Id { get; private set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
And I have the following table in the database:
Id integer
Name varchar(50)
CreatedBy varchar(50)
CreatedDate datetime
So I don't want to add "CreatedBy" and "CreatedDate" to my domain class, because this has nothing to do with the actual domain itself...
Would it be possible to get this data whenever I load an entity? I would like to use it like this:
Person person = session.Load(1);
person.CreatedBy(); <-- CreatedBy is an Extension function
person.CreatedDate(); <-- CreatedDate is an Extension function
Can anyone point me in which direction to go in order to implement this?
I have thought about the following possibilities:
- Implementa a custom ProxyFactory, where I inject a custom "interface" such as IUpdateable, howver it seems like NHibernate doesn't create the proxies consistently, sometimes it loads a my "proxy class" class, and sometimes it loads the "normal class":
Person person = session.Load(2); //this will load my Proxy class of Person just fine
Address address = person.Address; //Somehow this doesn't load a Proxy for Address, but instead loads it normally - seems like it's evaluating "ImmediateLoad", which doesn't load proxies, due to lazy loading... not sure how to make this behave as I want.
Using a custom PropertyAccessor, I have read something about this - but it seems I must actually map this to a property that EXITS on the domain class... so that wouldn't work right?
Just as NHibernate "injects" code to the runtime when creating the Proxy classes - perhaps I could do the same but inject the "interface" to the original Person class instead?
Would appreciate any help on this, thank you! :)