



Dear all,

I have a html page as below :

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                border: 1px solid;
                color: black;
                font-weight: normal;
                font-size: 11px;
                font-family: Verdana;
            .CalendarPlus-None-201072210726 .bscRecurrence
                background: #ff00ff;
            .CalendarPlus-None-201072210726 .bscRecurrenceEx
                background: #ff0000;
                font-weight: normal;
                font-size: 11px;
                font-family: Verdana;
                font-weight: normal;
                font-size: 11px;
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                display: none;
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                                                                font-size: 11px; border-left-color: #b9b9b9" id="ctl00_m_g_2a4fb44e_b800_4f6d_a062_346f044bd086_BambooCalendarControl"
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                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
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                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                            height="20" valign="top" nowrap>
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                                                                                overflow: hidden; border-top: gray 1px solid; border-right: gray 1px solid" class=" CalendarPlus-BackgroundItem-201072210726  "
                                                                                nowrap width="100%" startdate="7/27/2010 3:00:00 AM" itemid="38.0.2010-07-27T03:00:00Z"
                                                                                <a style="width: 100%; height: 100%; color: black; font-size: 11px" class=" CalendarPlus-Item-201072210726"
                                                                                    <div style="margin: 0px; width: 12px; float: left; height: 16px" class="bscRecurrence">
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                                                                                        margin: 0px; width: 16px; float: left; height: 16px">
                                                                                    <div style="width: 75px; width: expression(this.parentElement.offsetWidth - 28);
                                                                                        text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; float: left; overflow: hidden">
                                                                                        rec item</div>
                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                            height="20" valign="top" nowrap>
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                                                                                overflow: hidden; border-top: gray 1px solid; border-right: gray 1px solid" class=" CalendarPlus-BackgroundItem-201072210726  "
                                                                                nowrap width="100%" startdate="7/28/2010 3:00:00 AM" itemid="39" valign="top">
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                                                                                    <div style="background-image: url(;
                                                                                        margin: 0px; width: 16px; float: left; height: 16px">
                                                                                    <div style="width: 75px; width: expression(this.parentElement.offsetWidth - 28);
                                                                                        text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; float: left; overflow: hidden">
                                                                                        rec item1</div>
                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                            height="20" valign="top" nowrap>
                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                            height="20" valign="top" nowrap>
                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                            height="20" valign="top" nowrap>
                                                                    <tr cell="middle">
                                                                        <td style="overflow: hidden; border-right: #dddddd 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                        <td style="overflow: hidden; border-right: #dddddd 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                            height="20" valign="top" nowrap>
                                                                            <div style="border-bottom: gray 1px solid; position: relative; border-left: gray 1px solid;
                                                                                background-color: #8f51fc; width: 100%; float: left; height: 100% !important;
                                                                                overflow: hidden; border-top: gray 1px solid; border-right: gray 1px solid" class=" CalendarPlus-BackgroundItem-201072210726  "
                                                                                nowrap width="100%" startdate="7/27/2010 8:00:00 AM" itemid="41.0.2010-07-27T08:00:00Z"
                                                                                <a style="width: 100%; height: 100%; color: black; font-size: 11px" class=" CalendarPlus-Item-201072210726"
                                                                                    <div style="margin: 0px; width: 12px; float: left; height: 16px" class="bscRecurrence">
                                                                                    <div style="background-image: url(;
                                                                                        margin: 0px; width: 16px; float: left; height: 16px">
                                                                                    <div style="width: 75px; width: expression(this.parentElement.offsetWidth - 28);
                                                                                        text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; float: left; overflow: hidden">
                                                                                        Test thu xem in co duoc khong ?</div>
                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                            height="20" valign="top" nowrap>
                                                                            <div style="border-bottom: gray 1px solid; position: relative; border-left: gray 1px solid;
                                                                                background-color: #8f51fc; width: 100%; float: left; height: 100% !important;
                                                                                overflow: hidden; border-top: gray 1px solid; border-right: gray 1px solid" class=" CalendarPlus-BackgroundItem-201072210726  "
                                                                                nowrap width="100%" startdate="7/28/2010 8:00:00 AM" itemid="41.0.2010-07-28T08:00:00Z"
                                                                                <a style="width: 100%; height: 100%; color: black; font-size: 11px" class=" CalendarPlus-Item-201072210726"
                                                                                    <div style="margin: 0px; width: 12px; float: left; height: 16px" class="bscRecurrence">
                                                                                    <div style="background-image: url(;
                                                                                        margin: 0px; width: 16px; float: left; height: 16px">
                                                                                    <div style="width: 75px; width: expression(this.parentElement.offsetWidth - 28);
                                                                                        text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; float: left; overflow: hidden">
                                                                                        Test thu xem in co duoc khong ?</div>
                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                            height="20" valign="top" nowrap>
                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                            height="20" valign="top" nowrap>
                                                                        <td style="color: black; overflow: hidden; border-right: #b9b9b9 1px solid" class="CalendarPlus-DefaultCell-201072210726 "
                                                                            height="20" valign="top" nowrap>

I cannot see the text of the item when I view my page on Print Preview mode. Please help me.

Thanks / Phong Dang