Yeah, an event handler is basically a reference to a function. If you've ever used callbacks, it's basically the same idea. If not, here's a quick overview:
The event type is defined like this:
TZpOnNewTextEvent = procedure(const Sender: TObject;
const aText: string) of object;
What that means is that it's a reference to an object method (of object
) with a signature that looks like this:
TMyObject = class (TMyObjectAncestor)
//stuff here
procedure MyEventHandler(const Sender: TObject; const aText: string);
//more stuff here
The of object
bit is important. This is specifically a method reference and not a reference to a standalone function.
What the event handler is for is to allow you to customize the way ExecuteConsoleApp works. It's almost exactly like adding code to a button in the Form Designer. You place the button on the form, then you assign an event handler to its OnClick event that customizes the button by adding in code that executes when the button is clicked. The difference is that here, you don't have a Form Designer to wire it together for you.
Fortunately, the syntax is pretty simple. For a procedure (whatever) of object
, you pass the event handler by just giving the name. Throw Self.MyEventHandler
in the appropriate place in the parameter list, and it will work.