
Drupal Pro Development has an excellent chapter on AHAH. A free resource is DrupalSN.

However, trough CCK things will become a little more complex.

ClientJs -> Drupal-GET -> remoteserver XML/Json/? -> Drupal -> FAPI -> Json/HTML -> Client

is the usual call stack for AHAH. AHAH is actually misnamed in Drupal, since it only works trough the FAPI.

You would be looking at something like:

CCK -> FAPI -renders-> ClientJS -> Drupal-GET -> remoteserver XML/Json/? -> Drupal -> CCK-hooks(s) -> FAPI -> Client.

The hard part is to use the CCK-api to add JS aha calls to items and on the other side, to make Drupal fetch the AHAH and run it trough the CCK-API in order to change the FORM, rather then have Drupal render the form with FAPI outside of CCK (FAPI, is Form API).

in that case, I'm going to avoid using ahah directly. do you have an idea of a different way to implement such a form?