Hi there
Is it possible to compile a Flash project without the use, or presence, of the Flash IDE?
Thanks, Jacques
Hi there
Is it possible to compile a Flash project without the use, or presence, of the Flash IDE?
Thanks, Jacques
You can use Flashdevelop to compile as3 Flex projects.
Flex sdk is free and open source, Flex Builder is not. You can use Flashdevelop and Flex sdk to build actionscript projects if you don't want to buy Flash or Flex builder.
Technically all you need to compile a SWF is a text editor and the flex compiler. Download and unzip the flex sdk (which contains the flex compiler), write up some code, and compile the code into a swf using the command line. Something like (note there are a lot of command line options that can be passed to the compiler):
path_to_flex_sdk/bin/mxmlc -file-specs path_to_document_class.as -o path_to_output.swf
As xxiaojun mentioned FlashDevelop is a free, open-source actionscript editor that does a nice job at keeping things simple, but it is Windows compatible only. It comes with build/run scripts, project and class templates, code snippets, etc.