



How do you localize ASP.NET + javascript + Silverlight?

I would like to be able to include the same texts in different languages in pages, javascript on the page, and Silverlight objects on the page.

I have tried with the following method, but have no experience with it in practice, and I would like to hear your opinions on it or alternatives:

1) Create a class library (ResourcesTest) and add a resource file (Phrases.resx) with some strings (Hello='Hello'), plus a localized version (Phrases.da.resx: Hello='Hej').

2) Add an empty javascript file (PhrasesHandler.js).

3) In AssemblyInfo.cs do this to allow the texts to be used by javascript/Silverlight:

[assembly: WebResource("ResourcesTest.PhrasesHandler.js", "application/x-javascript")]
[assembly: ScriptResource("ResourcesTest.PhrasesHandler.js", "ResourcesTest.Phrases", "Phrases")]

4) Reference the resource from ASP.NET code-behind (ResourcesTest.Phrases.Hello), or by including the embedded javascript resource in a web page:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="sm1" runat="server">
        <asp:ScriptReference Assembly="ResourcesTest" Name="ResourcesTest.PhrasesHandler.js" />

and then access the texts from javascript (e.g. Phrases.Hello), or from Silverlight via javascript (HtmlPage.Window.Eval("Phrases.Hello")).

I find this method rather complicated, and I worry about handling such a system, but have not found other ways of sharing localized/multi-language resources between ASP.NET, javascript and Silverlight.

Have you? How do you localize ASP.NET + javascript + Silverlight ?

+1  A: 

If they can all accept data in JSON format, use that.


Yes. I think JSON could do it for the client parts (Silverlight and javascript). Thanks for the suggestion.
Ole Lynge