I keep seeing vacancies for software developers that require EAI experience.
From what I can figure, this means someone with experience developing with one of the large commercial off the shelf (COTS) packages (SAP, Oracle, SalesForce etc).
As I'm not working in a company that doesn't have any of these systems, how can I gain EAI skills?
For the people that have developed SAP/Oracle/SalesForce ERP/CRM systems, what kind of coding work is involved? Is it developing classes (and is this Java or some other technology)? Do they have web service endpoints that you can hook into? Can the UI be customized?
Are there any books that I can learn from? I have heard a lot about this one, but it looks quite dated now (no mention of web services and all just messaging).
Is EAI just about design patterns? Is it just another buzzword for SOA?
Lots of questions I know, but I'm really stuck! Thanks community! :)