Hi there! I'm creating an application in RoR and I'm implementing unit testing in all my models.
When I run every test on his own (by running ruby test/unit/some_test.rb) all tests are successful.
But when I run all tests together (by running rake test:units) some tables from both databases (development e test) are deleted.
I'm using raw SQL (mysql) do create tables because I need composite primary keys and physical constraints so I figured it would be the best. Maybe this be the cause?
All my tests are in this form:
require File.dirname(FILE) + '/../test_helper' require File.dirname(FILE) + '/../../app/models/order'
class OrderTestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@order = Order.new( :user_id => 1, :total => 10.23, :date => Date.today, :status => 'processing', :date_concluded => Date.today, :user_address_user_id => 3, :user_address_address_id => 5, :creation_date => Date.today, :update_date => Date.today )
################ Happy Path
def test_happy_path
assert @order.valid?, @order.errors.full_messages
end ...
The errors I get when running the tests are something like this:
3) Error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Table 'shopshop_enterprise_test.addresses' doesn't exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM addresses
/test/unit/address_test.rb:9:in new'
Any guesses? Thanks!
PS: When using postgres as the database engine, everything works fine with rake test:units! (of course, with the correct changes so the sql statements can work with postgres)