One of the portion of my site requires bulk insert, it takes around 40 mins for innodb to load that file into database. I have been digging around the web and found few things.
- innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2 (It wont generate consecutive keys)
- UNIQUE_CHECKS=0; (disable unique key checks)
- FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 (disable foreign key checks)
- --log_bin=OFF turn off binary log used for replication
I want to set first 3 options for just one session i.e. during bulk insert. The first option does not work mysql says unknown system variable 'innodb_autoinc_lock_mode'. I am using MySQL 5.0.4
The last option, I would like to turn it off but I am wondering what if I need replication later will it just start working if I turn it on again?
Any other suggestions how to improve bulk inserts/updates for innodb engine? Or please comments on my findings.