Hey guys, take a look at this, maybe you can help me. This code is pretty much self explanatory,it repeats itself via cron job.
$dbhost = 'blabla';
$dbuser = 'blabla';
$dbpass = 'blabla';
$dbname = 'blabla';
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql');
$table = 'cron';
$feed = 'a big xml feed';
$xml = simplexml_load_file($feed);
mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE ".$table.""); // empties cron
foreach( $xml->performerinfo as $performerinfo )
bla bla inside foreach to get data from xml
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$table." (performerid, category, subcategory, build, hairlength, ethnicity, willingness, pic0, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, age) VALUES ('$performerid', '$category', '$subcategory', '$build', '$hairlength', '$ethnicity', '$willingness', '$pic0', '$pic1', '$pic2', '$pic3', '$pic4', '$age')");
} // inserts into cron
mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE newtable"); // empties newtable
mysql_query ("INSERT INTO newtable SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE ethnicity = 'White' AND age BETWEEN '30' AND '45' AND build <> 'above average' AND build <> 'large' AND build <> 'average' AND hairlength <> 'short'"); // inserts into newrtable
QUESTION, hope you can understand me ;)
Table Cron has id's from 1 to 1000
id int(11) No auto_increment
When i filter Cron and insert the rows into newtable, i get id's like: 20, 65, 145, 699, etc.
How can i reset the newtable's id's so they will appear consecutive, from 1 to 35, lets say...strong text