



Consider this code:

var query = (from a in db.Table
             where a = SomeCondition
             select a.SomeNumber).AsEnumerable();

int recordCount = query.Count();
int totalSomeNumber = query.Sum();
decimal average = query.Average();

Assume "query" takes a very long time to run. I need to get the record count, total SomeNumber's returned, and take an average at the end. I thought based on my reading that .AsEnumerable() would execute the query using LINQ-to-SQL, then use LINQ-to-Objects for the Count, Sum, and Average. Instead, when I do this in LINQPad, I see the same query is run three times. If I replace .AsEnumerable() with .ToList(), it only gets queried once. Am I missing something about what AsEnumerable is/does?

Thanks in advance.


Yes. All that AsEnumerable will do is cause the Count, Sum, and Average functions to be executed client-side (in other words, it will bring back the entire result set to the client, then the client will perform those aggregates instead of creating COUNT() SUM() and AVG() statements in SQL).

Adam Robinson
But the OP's point is that he assumed what you say is true, but empirical test show that it is not.
James Curran
-1 This is simply not true. IQueryable implements IEnumerable so the call to AsEnumerable is a no-op and doesn't force query execution.
Justin Niessner
@James, Justin: You misunderstand. I never said that `AsEnumerable()` would cause the query to evaluate, I said that the only thing that adding it would do is that *when* the aggregates are evaluated, they'll be done client side (the entire result set will be enumerated *on the client*, and the aggregate will be calculated) instead of being translated into a SQL statement.
Adam Robinson

I would presume that ToList forces Linq to fetch the records from the database. When you then perform the proceeding calculations they are done against the in memory objects rather than involving the database.

Leaving the return type as an Enumerable means that the data is not fetched until it is called upon by the code performing the calculations. I guess the knock on of this is that the database is hit three times - one for each calculation and the data is not persisted to memory.

+4  A: 

Calling AsEnumerable() does not guarantee that the results will be executed immediately.

IQueryable is the interface that allows LINQ to SQL to perform its magic. IQueryable implements IEnumerable so when you call AsEnumerable(), nothing really happens.

To force query execution, you must call ToList().

Justin Niessner
Thanks, that makes sense.
It's certainly incorrect to think that "nothing really happens". While `AsEnumerable` doesn't evaluate the query at the time that it's called , it *definitely* has an effect. Anything further called on the query will be evaluated using LINQ to objects, so you can't compose additional elements onto the query (another `Where` or an `OrderBy` or anything of that nature) that will become part of the SQL statement.
Adam Robinson
+1  A: 

Well, you are on the right track. The problem is that an IQueryable (what the statement is before the AsEnumerable call) is also an IEnumerable, so that call is, in effect, a nop. It will require forcing it to a specific in-memory data structure (e.g., ToList()) to force the query.

James Curran