I'm trying to create an application that generates PDF417 barcodes. To do this I'm following this guide: http://grandzebu.net/index.php?page=/informatique/codbar-en/pdf417.htm
I'm generating the data codewords just fine, but when I use the algorithm to generate the error correction the result doesn't seem to be working fine, and I think the problem is the data that I'm passing to it.
The basic test I'm trying is generating a Pdf417 barcode with the data: Hello world
I'm using the byte-mode encoding.
The barcode being generated has 3 rows and 5 data columns.
The data codewords I use to generate the correction code words are these:
[901, 121, 291, 257, 858, 232, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
When I generate a barcode with the same data using a paid library, the correction codewords (using an error-correction level of 0) are these: [821, 305]
But when I generate the barcode using my algorithm, the correction codewords I get are [791, 594].
I also tried using the algorithm found here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdf417lib/, and the results are the same as with my algorithm.
Any idea on what am I doing wrong?
Thanks a lot for your time.