



Pretty much all of the tutorials/introductions to Windows Workflow Foundation seem to be targeted at versions prior to 4.0, or are somewhat simplistic and don't really show me anything about WHAT the real strengths of Workflows are.

Could someone point me in the direction of some slightly meatier tutorials (clearly my google-fu is failing me), as Workflow is one of the things that I've seen the templates for in VS but never had the time or inkling to have a play with until now.

Note: No video tutorials/introductions/guides, please. I find them impossible to learn from.

+4  A: 

I've discovered recently myself that there's not a lot of online content available. Check out the Workflow Foundation 4 Resources and Community site on MSDN for some good articles and labs. Also, download the WF4 Samples. I've learned a lot from poking through these samples and trying things out locally.

As for the WHY of Workflow, you can read David Chappell's take here. I don't agree with some of what he claims (a bit too pie in the sky for me), but it's a good primer on the goals and rationale of WF.

Hope that helps!

Brandon Satrom

I have amassed quite a number of resources for learning WF 4:

  • MSDN: Windows Workflow Foundation Tutorials - basically dive in all the scenarios you would see for developer WF application There are more info (via. MSDN blogs) but for starter, but I'm only allowed to post one link as a starter :( I think these should suffice :)
Isaac Yuen

Take a look at on MSDN Channel 9. Plenty of good videos on WF and WCF 4.

Daz Lewis
I should perhaps have been a bit clearer in my question and eliminated videos as an option. I, personally, cannot stand learning from a video, so pretty much anything on is of little use to me
+1  A: 

Check out the Pro WF Windows Workflow in .Net 4 book by Bruce Bukovics. Great book imho, worth the price.
