I have this function:
public static IQueryable<Article> WhereArticleIsLive(this IQueryable<Article> q)
return q.Where(x =>
x != null
&& DateTime.UtcNow >= x.PublishTime
&& x.IsPublished
&& !x.IsDeleted);
And it works just fine in this query:
from a in Articles.WhereArticleIsLive()
where a.Id == 5
select new { a.Title }
But it doesn't work in this only slightly more complex query:
from s in Series
from a in Articles.WhereArticleIsLive()
where s.Id == a.SeriesId
select new { s, a }
I get this error message:
NotSupportedException: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Linq.IQueryable
1[TheFraser.Data.Articles.Article] WhereArticleIsLive(System.Linq.IQueryable
1[TheFraser.Data.Articles.Article])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
Any idea why? Is there another way to consolidate query parameters like this?
Thanks in advance.