



Can someone please redirect me to the right link or give an example of how to work with two dimensional array or HashTable in JQuery? I tried google but did not get the answer. I want to avoid using any plugins. All i want to do it, store some information and retrieve them like HashTable way.

+2  A: 

two dimensional array is javascript. That's why you are not getting results on google.

it's something like this.

var arr = [];
arr[0] = [1,12,3,5];
arr[0][0]; // returns 1
arr[0][1]; // returns 12
arr[0][2]; // returns 3
arr[0][3]; // returns 5


var outerA = new Array();
outerA[0] = new Array();
outerA[1] = new Array();
outerA[2] = new Array();
I wasnt sure on what is the best to use for my requirement but your answer matches exactly what the question was asked for. Thanks for the answer. But do you mind if i accept Mario Menger's answer as it explains what i was exactly looking for.
yeah!... no worries at all ;) you could just update your question above to fit for the answer you wanted. So that others will not be confused.
+3  A: 

Depending on what you want to use as keys into your "hashtable", you might want to use an object with array properties instead of a two dimensional array.

For instance:

var hashtable = {};
hashtable['screaming'] = ["red","orange"];
hashtable['mellow'] = ["skyblue","yellow","green"];

you can also set and access values in an object using dot notation:

hashtable.screaming = ["red","orange"];

If you're just looking to keep track of key/value pairs then an object is the way to go:

var hashtable = {};
hashtable['key1'] = 'value1';
hashtable['key2'] = 'value2';
hashtable.key3 = 'value3';
Mario Menger
Exactly what I was just going to type :)
Dan Stocker
and Exactly what i was looking for. Appreciate your answer a lot.

Hi, Thanks Mario for a very useful method. I was wondering that how could we know the size of a hashtable. I mean, is it possible that we can do something like "hashtable.screaming.size" So we know that how many values belong to a single key. Any thoughts??

If you store arrays in the properties of the object (the "keys" of the "hashtable"), as in my hashtable.screaming example, then you can just use the array's length property: hashtable.screaming.hashtable
Mario Menger