



Can anyone please tell me what is wrong with this SQL query.

"select USERNAME, DATECREATED, CREDTYPE, USAGETYPE, OPERATIONID, TXNID, CALLERID from arwfissuanceauditlog where OPERATIONID in (2104,2107) and datecreated >= 'to_date('2010/06/21', 'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:MI:SS')' and datecreated < 'to_date('2010/08/03', 'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:MI:SS')'"

I got this message when i ran it in SQL developer Unknown Command Bind Variable "MI" is NOT DECLARED

i am calling this from a java code like this try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); results = stmt.executeQuery(queryToExecute); } catch (SQLException e) { CredChangeReportSVC.DEFAULTLOGGER.error("An exception occurred while executing query: " + queryToExecute, e); }

In the logs i get this message ERROR 03 Aug 2010 14:51:06,939 - An exception occurred while executing query: "select USERNAME, DATECREATED, CREDTYPE, USAGETYPE, OPERATIONID, TXNID, CALLERID from arwfissuanceauditlog where OPERATIONID in (2104,2107) and datecreated >= 'to_date('2010/06/21', 'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:MI:SS')' and datecreated < 'to_date('2010/08/03', 'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:MI:SS')'" java.sql.SQLException: Invalid SQL type

Thanks in advance.


Your date format specifies a time part, but you have omitted this in your datetime strings. Drop the "HH24:MI:SS" from the date strings and try again
