




Recently tried the plugin example of Qt. It didn't work at all and I was confused as to the reason. Then found the solution on one of the forums.

Qt, Application and plugin all three have to be built with the same configuration (Release/Debug)

This works for me as I can build all three in Debug/Release mode. But if I want users to extend my application using plugins I need to provide debug build of my application. (If I provide release build, users will not be able to trouble-shoot the plugin). Qt source is available so it can be built in any mode.

I don't want to provide debug build of my application to users. Is there any work around for this restriction on build mode for plugins?

P.S. I understand users can debug with logging statements, but not sure how many prefer that approach.


You can build debug version (to have compiled in debug configuration) and strip it out of all symbols etc.

Kamil Klimek