



I am creating an internal class to provide a construct for the Contract pattern.

using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace DCS2000.Common35.Core
  public class Assertion
    public static void Ensure(bool test)
        if (!test)
            throw new PreconditionException("Precondition test failed");

    public static void Ensure(object obj)
        if (obj == null)
            throw new PreconditionException("Precondition null object failed");

    public static void Require(bool test)
        if (!test)
            throw new PostconditionException("Postcondition test failed");

    public static void Require(object obj)
        if (obj == null)
            throw new PostconditionException("Postcondition null object failed");

When a developer goes to use this they will see these as options in Intellisense:

  • Ensure
  • Equals
  • ReferenceEquals
  • Require

This is confusing and I am wondering if there is a way to hide Equals and ReferenceEquals.

NOTE: I have already tried this, but it did not work for me:

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return base.Equals(obj);

To be honest, I think anybody who calls themselves a .NET developer should be used to having those methods around and ignoring them when not needed.

If you really want to hide them, and if they're both overridable (I forget if ReferenceEquals is because I've never used it), you could override them as private override.

Okay, that doesn't work. Now that I looked at it, private override makes no sense, protected override isn't quite allowed either and private new and protected new make new methods while the base class method is still accessible. I don't think you can hide them with access modifiers at all.

And it seems the whole thing was about static methods anyways. Gee, I really failed this one.

Matti Virkkunen
private override? I could have sworn you *cannot* change the protection level on an override.
Kirk Woll
`private new ...`
Tim Robinson
@Kirk: Really? Was I thinking C++? Let me check...
Matti Virkkunen
@Matti Equals is a virtual method and cannot be private.
Lucas B
@Tim: private new does not remove the Equals method from the interface. You're still calling the object's one.
Stefan Steinegger
The question is about the static version of Equals(), so the discussion about override is superfluous.
@Matti you should've stopped after the first sentence, which is totally correct :)
Rex M
@Rex: Well, it's too late now. Would be lame to delete this after so many comments
Matti Virkkunen
+2  A: 

To add to Matti's answer, EditorBrowsableState.Never depends on the user's Visual Studio settings under Options, Text Editor, C#, General.

It only takes effect if the user has 'Hide advanced members' turned on. Visual Studio defaults to showing all members.

Tim Robinson
+1  A: 

You can't hide Equals, it is defined on object. There are even worse situations, like classes which provide an Equal (not that there is not s at the end) method, not to compare itself with some other instance, but to represent an Equal operation. Eg. for query specifications.

Every C# developer should know what Equals means and only use it when needed.

ReferenceEquals is static and is not be visible on the instance.

Stefan Steinegger

You cannot hide something from intellisense. These attributes are just for Windows Forms Designer.



    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        throw new Exception("Assertion does not implement Equals, use Ensure or Require");

    public new bool ReferenceEquals(object objA, object objB)
        throw new Exception("Assertion does not implement ReferenceEquals, use Ensure or Require");

This will hide the members if the developer has appropriate VS settings set, and will immediately notify, alas during run-time, the developer that they are inappropriately using Equals or ReferenceEquals, should they inadvertently use it in the code base.

Lucas B