I have an occupancy grid that has 3 states - Occupied, Free, Unknown. Occupancy grid is a simple 2 dimensional array of states. The grid represents a floor plan where Occupied=Wall, Free=Open Floor, Unknown=what's behind the wall or not mapped. This grid is say 800x800 wide with each cell representing 5cm of the real world.
I want to take this and make it into a WPF Path Shape. Then I can then manipulate on the screen, Allow a user to add walls (by drawing lines), and eventually export to some form of CAD standard/SVG/etc.
I started playing with writable bitmaps and can create a perfect picture of the grid, how ever a bitmp isn't a path, and some of my lines are jagged or unconnected.
I am looking for ideas on how to translate this grid, or thebitmap, into clean wpf shapes. Lines, Polygons, Polylines, or Paths would all make me very happy becuase once I have those I can do anything. Any ideas?