




I have a legacy database which has two collumns and I want to map them as 1 ID is this possible

for example

    public class Product
public string ProductID {get;set;}
public string ShortDescription {get;set;}
public string UserName {get;set;}

then my Modelbinder looks like this

.MapSingle(product =>
new {
 colShotDesc = product.ShortDescription,
 colUser = product.UserName

What I need would be something like ProductID = ShortDescription + UserName in the mapping... because these two collumns share a unique key contraint...

Don't know if this makes sens but any suggestions would be great... Please don't ask about the database design => this is like it is and should not be changed... that's why I thought EF code-first could help me (hope cross fingers)... because it looks like the db hasn't got pk defined just unique key constraints...

anyway ... help would be terrific..


Actually, you want to map a single conceptual property to a couple of storage columns. There is a code that will concatenate the values from columns into property, so far so good.
But let's imagine the process of adding a new Entity to the context. So, we have set a value for the property. How should EF know the rule to write the value of this property to both columns?
Not sure this scenario is possible to implement.

Yes I agree it is not so clean but, this is the db I am facing. Since the two columns have a unique constraint on database level, it should be asured that they will be set. I also work with Validation to make sure that they are set. I want my solution in Code a litle cleaner so I am looking for the composite ProductID. How can I assemble my concatenated fields in code-first?
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