




I'm working on mac OS x 10.4. I have a subversion repository stored on an external drive connected via USB. I created a new python project in Eclipse (using the PyDev plugin). When I use right click Team->Share Project to set up a new prject with subversion, I get the following error:

Error while creating module: org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Couldn't open a repository svn: Unable to open ra_local session to URL svn: Unable to open repository 'file:///Volumes/svn-repos/Palindrome/Palindrome'

The subversion repository has the following permisions: drwxrwxrwx 9 cameronl cameronl 306 Aug 23 10:08 svn-repos

The external drive is formatted as Mac OS extended.

I'm completely stumped. Anybody have any suggestions?

+1  A: 

Try adding the repository first using the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective (Window > Open Perspective > Other... > SVN Repository Exploring).

Make sure that the URL you are using points to the correct directory, which typically contains these default repository files:

conf/  dav/  db/  format  hooks/  locks/  README.txt

Hope this helps.

David Crow
+1  A: 

The key to your problem is in the error "Unable to open ra_local session to URL". Google it up and you'll find tons of discussions about it.
