My final solution: adapted the XMLWriter mentioned by divo (used it pretty much as is, apart from one or two changes since this script is to run on the client). Also adapted the code from here to pretty-print the XML (so that it can be readable when output to file):
Function XMLToString(Nodes)
dim retStr
retStr = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>"
XMLToString = retStr & vbNewLine & NodesToString(Nodes, 0)
End Function
Function NodesToString(Nodes, Indent)
Dim xNode
Dim retStr
retStr = ""
For Each xNode In Nodes
Select Case xNode.nodeType
If xNode.nodeName <> "#document" Then
' change DisplayAttrs_(xNode, Indent + 2) to
' DisplayAttrs_(xNode, 0) for inline attributes
retStr = retStr & VBNewLine & strDup(" ", Indent) & "<" & xNode.nodeName & AttributesToString(xNode) & ">"
If xNode.hasChildNodes Then
retStr = retStr & NodesToString(xNode.childNodes, Indent + 2)
End If
retStr = retStr & VBNewLine & strDup(" ", Indent) & "</" & xNode.nodeName & ">"
If xNode.hasChildNodes Then
retStr = retStr & NodesToString(xNode.childNodes, Indent + 2)
End If
End If
Case 3: ' NODE_TEXT
retStr = retStr & VBNewLine & strDup(" ", Indent) & xNode.nodeValue
End Select
NodesToString = retStr
End Function
Function AttributesToString(Node)
Dim xAttr, res
res = ""
For Each xAttr In Node.attributes
res = res & " " & & "=""" & xAttr.value & """"
AttributesToString = res
End Function
Function strDup(dup, c)
Dim res, i
res = ""
For i = 1 To c
res = res & dup
strDup = res
End Function