Let's say you're modeling an entity that has many attributes (2400+), far greater than the physical limit on a given database engine (e.g. ~1000 SQL Server). Knowing nothing about the relative importance of these data points (which ones are hot/used most often) besides the domain/candidate keys, how would you implement it?
A) EAV. (boo... Native relational tools thrown out the window.)
B) Go straight across. The first table has a primary key and 1000 columns, right up to the limit. The next table is 1000, foreign keyed to the first. The last table is the remaining 400, also foreign keyed.
C) Stripe evenly across ceil( n / limit )
tables. Each table has an even number of columns, foreign keying to the first table. 800, 800, 800.
D) Something else...
And why?
Edit: This is more of a philosophical/generic question, not tied to any specific limits or engines.